
At the command line:

$ pip install enpassreaderlib

Or, if you have virtualenvwrapper installed:

$ mkvirtualenv enpassreaderlib
$ pip install enpassreaderlib

Or, if you are using pipenv:

$ pipenv install enpassreaderlib

Or, if you are using pipx:

$ pipx install enpassreaderlib

Important note for pysqlcipher3:

pysqlcipher3 needs to compile on your workstation and it might not succeed if header files are missing. On my Mac I had to follow something like the below process:

brew install sqlcipher
# Assuming the version installed is 4.4.3 adjust accordingly
export C_INCLUDE_PATH=$BREWPATH/Cellar/sqlcipher/4.4.3/include
export LIBRARY_PATH=$BREWPATH/Cellar/sqlcipher/4.4.3/lib
# Activate the virtual environment that the project is installed to fix the installation
. .venv/bin/activate
pip install pysqlcipher3

On linux based systems probably sqlcipher-dev will need to be installed for the package to succesfully compile.