
To develop on enpassreaderlib:

# The following commands require pipenv as a dependency

# To lint the project

# To execute the testing

# To create a graph of the package and dependency tree

# To build a package of the project under the directory "dist/"

# To see the package version

# To bump semantic versioning [--major|--minor|--patch]
_CI/scripts/ --major|--minor|--patch

# To upload the project to a pypi repo if user and password are properly provided

# To build the documentation of the project

To use enpassreaderlib in a project:

from enpassreaderlib import EnpassDB
enpass = EnpassDB('db_file_path', 'db_master_password', 'optional_key_file')

# Get a specific entry
entry = enpass.get_entry('ENTRY_TITLE')

# Search with fuzzy searching
for entry in enpass.search_entries('SOME_PART_OF_A_PASSWORD_TITLE'):
    print(f'{entry.title}  {entry.password}')

# Iterate over all the entries of the database
for entry in enpass.entries:
    print(f'{entry.title}  {entry.password}')